cursor doraemon

Doraemon Cute Cursors

Monday, March 7, 2016

Nama-Nama Akun dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya

Berikut ini akan saya postingkan beberapa daftar nama-nama akun beserta artinya..

Current Assets
Harta Lancar
 Cash In Bank
Kas di Bank
Petty Cash
Kas Kecil
Account Receivable
Piutang Dagang
Allowance For Doubtful Debt
Penyisihan Kerugian Piutang
Furniture And Fixture
Perabot & Inventaris
Interest Receivable
Piutang Bunga
Notes Receivable
Piutang Wesel
Merchandise Inventory
Persediaan Barang Dagangan
Marketable Securities
Surat-Surat Berharga
Store Supplies
Perlengkapan Toko
Office Supplies
Perlengkapan Kantor
Prepaid Advertising
Iklan Dibayar Dimuka
Prepaid Expense
Biaya Dibayar Dimuka
Prepaid Insurance
Ansuransi Dibayar Dimuka
Prepaid Rent
Sewa Dibayar Dimuka
Long Term Investment
Investasi Jangka Panjang
Investment In Bond
Investasi Dalam Obligasi
Investment In Common Stock
Investasi Dalam Saham
Temporary Investment
Investasi Jangka Pendek
 Fixed Assets
Harta Tetap
Acumulated depreciation of equipment
Akumulasi Penyusutan Peralatan
Store Equipment
Peralatan Toko
Acumulated depreciation of store equipment
Akumulasi Penyusutan Peralatan Toko
Office Equipment
Peralatan Kantor
Acumulated depreciation of office equipment
Akumulasi Penyusutan Peralatan Kantor
Acumulated depreciation of building
Akumulasi Penyusutan Gedung
Acumulated depreciation of land
Akumulasi Penyusutan Tanah
Acumulated depreciation of machine
Akumulasi Penyusutan Mesin
Motor Vehicle
Acumulated depreciation of motor vehicle
Akumulasi Penyusutan Kendaraan
Vat In
PPN Masukan
 Intangible Fixed Assets
Harta Tidak Berwujud
Nama Baik
Hak Istimewa
Hak Sewa
 Account Payable
Hutang Dagang
Bank Payable / Loan From Bank
Hutang Bank
Bond Payable
Hutang Obligasi
Interest Payable
Hutang Bunga
Mortgage Payable
Hutang Hipotek
Notes Payable
Hutang Wesel
Salaries Payable
Hutang Gaji
Tax Payable
Hutang Pajak
Accrued Expense
Hutang Biaya
Unearned Rent
Sewa Diterima Dimuka
Unearned Revenue
Pendapatan Diterima Dimuka
Vat Out
PPN Keluaran
 Paid Up Capital
Setoran Modal
Pengambilan Pribadi
Pengambilan Pribadi
Pengambilan Saham
Income Summary
Ikhtisar Laba Rugi
Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Saham Preferen / Istimewa
Retained Earning
Laba Di Tahan
Sales Return
Pengembalian Penjualan
Sales Discount
Potongan Penjualan
Commosion Income
Pendapatan Dari Komisi
Consignment Income
Pendapatan Dari Konsinyasi
Fare Income
Pendapatan Dari Angkutan
Fees Earned
Income From Joint Venture
Pendapatan Dari Usaha Petungan
Interest Income
Pendapatan Bunga
Other Income
Pendapatan Lain-Lain
Recovery Income
Pendapatan Diterima Kembali
Rent Income
Pendapatan Sewa
Purchase Return
Pengembalian Pembelian
Purchase Discount
Potongan Pembelian
Cost Of Goods Sold
Harga Pokok Penjualan
 Advertising Expense
 Biaya Iklan
Telephone & Electeicity Expense
Biaya Telepon dan Listrik
Store Supplies Expense
Biaya Perlengkapan Toko
Bad Debt Expense
Biaya Kerugian Piutang
Depreciation Expense
Biaya Penyusutan Harta
Insurance Expense
Biaya Asuransi
Rent Expense
Biaya Sewa
Wages & Salaries Expense
Biaya Upah dan gaji
Other Operating Expense
Biaya Operasi Lainnya
Office Salaries Expense
Biaya Gaji Kantor
Store Salaries Expense
Biaya Gaji Toko
Salesmen Salaries Expense
Biaya Gaji Bagian Penjualan
Supplies Expense
Biaya Perlengkapan Toko
Office Supplies Expense
Biaya Perlengkapan Kantor
Administrative Expense
Biaya Administrasi
Interest Expense
Biaya Bunga
Miscellanious Expense
Biaya Rupa-Rupa
Motor Vehicle Expense
Biaya Kendaraan
Utilities Expense
Biaya Prasarana
Bank Service Charge
Biaya Administrasi Bank
Income Tax Expense
Biaya Pajak Penghasilan
Depreciation Expense Of Building
Biaya Penyusutan Gedung
Depreciation Expense Of Equipment
Biaya penyusutan Peralatan
Depreciation Expense Of Furniture And Fixture
Biaya Penyusutan Perabot/Inventaris
Depreciation Expense Of Machine
Biaya Penyusutan Mesin
Depreciation Expense Of Motor Vehicle
Biaya Penyusutan Kendaraan
Depreciation Expense Of Office Equipment
Biaya Penyusutan Peralatan Kantor
Depreciation Expense Of Store Equipment
Biaya Penyusutan Peralatan Toko
Freight In
Ongkos Angkut Pembelian
Freight Out
Ongkos Angkut Penjualan

Sekian postingan nama-nama akun dari Saya, terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog saya....